Funded by Funding Florida Legal Aid, Florida Pro Bono Matters is an interactive website that enables attorneys to search for pro bono cases that suit their interests and submit an interest form to the legal aid or pro bono program that posted the case. The site is the first in the country to automatically gather and display available pro bono matters from multiple programs via their case management systems.
Pro Bono Matters
Immigration-Related Pro Bono Opportunities
Immigration Justice Campaign
Ongoing web-based pro bono trainings and resources. Must be a registered user to access trainings and resources, and to volunteer for pro bono opportunities. Register online via the Immigration Justice Campaign website.
Immigration Pro Bono Network
Ongoing web-based pro bono trainings from the Pro Bono Training Institute and the Removal Defense Corp. Resource Bank
National Immigrant Justice Center
Ongoing web-based pro bono trainings and resources, including the NIJC Pro Bono Webinar Series

The Florida-based pro bono projects require attorneys to participate in person. Non-Spanish speakers may be required to provide their own interpreters.
Americans for Immigrant Justice
Julie C. Ferguson Pro Bono Program (Miami/South Florida) – Volunteer to provide pro bono assistance at limited-scope screening clinics or to represent asylum-seekers in immigration proceedings. There is an urgent need for attorneys to represent children. Apply online to get involved or visit Florida Pro Bono Matters to review AI Justice cases currently in need of pro bono counsel. Training and mentorship provided.
Catholic Legal Services (Miami/South Florida)
Volunteer to represent asylum-seekers in immigration proceedings. There is an urgent need for attorneys to represent children. Visit Florida Pro Bono Matters to review Catholic Charities cases currently in need of pro bono counsel. Training and mentorship provided.
Catholic Charities of Central Florida (Orlando/Central Florida)
Volunteer to provide non-legal assistance to immigrants in the Central Florida area. Visit the CCCF website to register as a volunteer. You do not need to be a lawyer to volunteer.
Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (Statewide)
Volunteer attorneys needed to help with defending returning citizens against prosecution for voting and for filing post-conviction motions to terminate outstanding fines and fees. To sign up, email Steven Cary at steven@floridarrc.org.
Florida Pro Bono Coordinators Association (Statewide)
A membership organization of pro bono professionals from across the state that are devoted to promoting pro bono legal servcies to the poor and to the professional development of pro bono professionals. They list pro bono opportunities from across the state. For available opportunities, visit the FPBCA website.
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (Northeast Florida)
Volunteer to represent children in juvenile and immigration court proceedings, or to assist qualified green card holders apply for citizenship. Visit the JALA Pro Bono page to learn more about these and other opportunities, and register online as a pro bono volunteer. No immigration experience is necessary. Training and mentorship provided.
Southern Poverty Law Center Southeast Immigrant Freedom Initiative (SIFI) (South Georgia/Central Florida)
Volunteer to work with the SPLC SIFI network to provide representation to immigrants who are detained in South Georgia pending immigration hearings in the Orlando Immigration Court. Visit the SPLC website or email immigrationhelp@splcenter.org to learn more about the project and to get involved.
National & Remote Pro Bono Projects
Remote projects do not require attorneys to participate in person. Non-Spanish speakers may be required to provide their own interpreters for projects that involve direct client contact.
ACLU Declaration Project
Volunteer to assist in gathering immigrant declarations in support of ongoing federal litigation. Attend the June 25 conference call to learn about getting involved.
The Advocates for Human Rights
Volunteer to assist with research projects to support the work of The Advocates, a Minneapolis-based human rights organization with an active US-based immigration focus. Research can be done remotely. Learn more by visiting The Advocates’ website.
Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) BIA Pro Bono Appeals Project
Volunteer to provide appellate representation to immigrants in cases before the Board of Immigration Appeals and federal circuit courts of appeal. Visit the CLINIC BIA Pro Bono website to learn more, and register with CLINIC to get involved. Appellate briefs can be prepared remotely. Experience in immigration law or appellate practice required. Mentorship and support resources provided.
Immigration Justice Campaign Remote Bond Team
Volunteer to provide at-your-desk remote limited-scope representation of immigrants in detention bond hearings through the Immigration Justice Campaign’s Remote Bond Team. Volunteers must be registered with IJC to access trainings and resources, and to participate in pro bono opportunities. Register online via the Immigration Justice Campaign website; registered attorneys can learn more by visiting the password-protected website. No immigration experience required. Training and mentorship provided.
Immigration Equality Pro Bono Asylum Representation
Volunteer to assist an immigrant seeking asylum protections based on LGBTQ persecution in their home country. Most pro bono clients are not currently in immigration court proceedings, and no courtroom representation is required. Visit the ImEq website for more information. No immigration experience is required. Training and mentorship provided.
Immigration Pro Bono Network
Visit this one-stop website for updated links to and information about immigration pro bono projects across the United States. Some listed projects offer opportunities for paralegals and other legal professionals who do not have a US-jurisdiction law license. The Immigration Pro Bono Network is updated daily; check back often for new opportunities, or register as volunteer to receive periodic email updates.